ISA Representatives on other Educational Bodies

The people below have been appointed to represent ISA on external educational bodies. In many cases, this representation is carried out on a voluntary basis by an ISA Member who attends the meetings on our behalf and then feeds into ISA HQ and our national committees. We are grateful for the discretionary time that is given to this important task.

If you have issues that you would like to be raised at a national level, please feel free to contact the relevant ISA representative direct. It is useful if you would include ISA HQ in the correspondence, so we are part of the loop.

Boarding Schools Association (BSA) Areti Bizior
[email protected]
GSA/HMC Universities Sub-Committee Robert Labatto
[email protected]
Exam Stakeholders’ Engagement Group ESEG (Ofqual) Matthew Judd
[email protected]
Independent Schools Council (ISC) Board Rudi Eliott Lockhart (ISA CEO)
[email protected]
  Jeff Shaw
[email protected]
Cross Association SEND Group Barry Huggett OBE (Chair)
[email protected]
ISC Child Welfare Group Helen Chalmers
[email protected]
ISC Digital Strategy Group Simon Balderson
[email protected]
ISC Community Action Group Jeff Shaw  [email protected]
ISC Inclusion Group Helen Stanton-Tonner
[email protected]
  Claire Lyons
[email protected]
JCQ Teacher Liaison Group Helen Stanton-Tonner
[email protected]
AQA Teacher Association Meeting Helen Stanton-Tonner
[email protected]
OCR Strategic Advisory Board Helen Stanton-Tonner
[email protected]
Pearson/Edexcel Teacher and Provider Meeting Helen Stanton-Tonner
[email protected]
IStip Board (for statutory teacher induction) Rudi Eliott Lockhart (ISA CEO)
[email protected]
IStip Panel Matthew Burke
[email protected]
Schools Partnership Oversight Board (SPOB) Rudi Eliott Lockhart (ISA CEO)
[email protected]
Vocational and Technical Qualifications Stakeholder Group VTQ (Ofqual) Helen Stanton-Tonner
[email protected]
WJEC/Eduqas English Liaison Advisory Group Helen Stanton-Tonner
[email protected]