A fantastic opportunity for pupils at ISA Members’ schools to showcase their poetry writing skills and have their work read by a renowned poet. Open to Key Stages 1-5.

Open for entries: Thursday 3 October 2024
Deadline: Tuesday 25 February 2025

ISA Poetry Competition 2024

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the competition this year and to the winners.
ISA Poetry Competition 2024. Please see the winning entries below.

Click here for the Years 2-3 Winners 
Click here for the Years 4-6 Winners
Click here for the Years 7-9 Winners 
Click here for the Years 10-13 Winners

A few words from our judge Debra Bertulis:

What a privilege it has been to judge the shortlisted poems for the ISA poetry competition. Thank you for choosing me. The standard was incredibly high, a cliché, but very true. Every single poem was written from the heart. How do I know? Because each poem made me feel something, and that’s what a good poem does. A good poet feels as they write and conveys those feelings to the reader. So well done, everyone.
When I’m not writing new collections, I visit schools around the UK and abroad to inspire children to compose their own poetry. If you’d like me to visit your school, please contact me via [email protected] my website www.debrabertulis.com  or  www.authorsaloud.co.uk

If you have any queries about our competitions, please contact us at [email protected].

Only schools whose Head is a member of ISA are eligible to enter these competitions. Please contact our membership department if you wish to make an enquiry about joining ISA.