Every day Senior Leaders are confronted by an endless list of tasks to be completed, which need their immediate attention and energy. During this one day course we will explore what it means to be an “Effective Senior Leader” and how to manage the endless list of tasks that demand the attention of senior leadership.

We will look at how knowing your vision helps you manage your time, energy and resource more effectively and with greater impact. Having that clear sense of purpose, or as Simon Sinek says, “Your Why?” allows Senior Leaders to have clarity in their proactive choices around impact on learning. We also know the quality of school leadership has a huge impact on learning, second only to classroom teaching, and we know there are certain leadership practices that can help in creating effective leadership. During the course we will look at these leadership practices in our context and how we can best use them to greater effect.

Throughout  the day we will seek to develop your leadership toolkit  and look to some of the strategies you can use to allow yourself to be effective, to focus on the things that really matter and can make an impact in your School.

At the end of the course, you will leave feeling more empowered to know how to become more effective and more efficient in the use of your time and energy, feeling more confident in the proactive choices you are making and the impact on student learning within your School.

Helen O'Donoghue

Helen O'Donoghue

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