The basis of high quality school development planning is rigorous and perceptive self-evaluation. This course will examine how to create a suitable framework for self-evaluation and the processes by which relevant data, both quantitative and qualitative, can be collected and analysed. We will also explore how strengths and weaknesses identified in the evaluation process should be communicated to relevant stakeholders e.g. inspectors, colleagues and governors. The practicalities of constructing an improvement plan and potential strategies for overcoming resistance to change will be examined. The final part of the course will look at mechanisms for monitoring effective implementation of the development plan to ensure momentum is being sustained.

Programme Outline

  • Effective self-evaluation: the cornerstone of school improvement
  • Translating self-evaluation into a high quality improvement plan
  • Overcoming resistance to change
  • Monitoring progress and sustaining momentum
Steve Boyes

Steve Boyes

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