Independent and State School Partnerships

Many ISA schools are at the very heart of their local communities – and work closely with state schools, charities and other bodies in their areas. Contributing to the local community is central to the charitable ethos of ISA schools. Whether proprietorial or charitable trusts in their own right, many are engaged in exciting partnerships and projects within their local areas or even further afield.

Partnerships between ISA schools and those in the state sector involve the sharing of best practice, expertise and facilities to the benefit of children in all of the schools involved. Such partnerships are always two-way, with children and teachers from all backgrounds enjoying the benefits of collaborative work.

The impact made by ISA schools in their local communities continues to be showcased in the Celebrating Partnerships reports from the ISC. The endeavours of several of our schools were published in the 2021 and 2022 reports, which you can see highlighted below. Full issues can be seen here.


ACS International Schools
Old Vicarage School
Shoreham College
St Edward's Cheltenham
Ibstock Place School
Worksop College


Luckley House School
Malvern St James' Girls School
New Hall School
St Edward's Cheltenham
ACS International Schools

The collaborative work of many of our schools (both charitable trust and proprietary) can be found on the SchoolsTogether website. Partnerships between state and independent schools can be seen on Twitter via #powerofpartnerships.

Schools across the ISA are also actively engaged in a whole range of charitable fundraising and practical work, both in the UK and abroad. Read more about those campaigns here.