Sessions will include:

The children
What does SEND mean in your school context? How many SEND children? A question of definition.
Learning differences and designing appropriate provision.
Remember the strengths as well

The job. What is important. Spreading the load.
What does a well run department look like.
Parents, teachers and case workers.
Calling in other professionals.
Making the best of what is available.
Can we charge?

The teachers
Engaging their help.
Training and INSET
The theory
Classroom advice
Subject by subject.

The formalities
Can they get an EHCP?
Exams and concessions
An inspector calls – the new framework and what it may mean.

What next?
Getting ready for change

Aims of the course
As can be seen from the content, it is wide ranging and deals with most things which will come up if you are working in the Learning support Department of an independent school. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask specific questions.

What will they learn?
It is assumed that each school is unique as is each child whether they have learning differences or not. This course should give the newcomer the material to set up a successful department, the seasoned SENCO some different ideas to develop the department still further and everyone to discover more about the changes which will affect all of us in the years ahead.

Barry Huggett

Barry Huggett

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