There are more children with SEND than ever before and our schools are being asked to accept a wider range of children who have a learning difference. However, there is a mystique about SEND and SEND provision which this course aims to dispel. Independent schools, for example, are not required to follow the Code of Practice. This course discusses recruitment, identification of need, charging for provision, legal obligations and ways to ensure the best outcomes for those with SEND and their peers who may not have any identifiable learning issues. It will discuss EHCPs and relationships with LAs, SEND and inspection and exam concessions. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions to be answered.

Those who attend the course should be able to bring to their schools a more confident approach to SEND in all its aspects, with more successful outcomes, less hassle, and additionally, developing their client group of children who do not have any learning issues.

Barry Huggett

Barry Huggett

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