25 Jun 2024

Game On! A celebration of inclusivity

Earlier this month, Nottingham University hosted the annual ISA Inclusive Festival of Sport. This exciting event is an opportunity for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from ISA Members' schools to experience the thrill of sports and the joy of university life. Participants will experience an event where they can indulge in a variety of exhilarating sporting activities, all while enjoying a taste of independence by staying in the university's halls of residence. This festival offers just that – a chance to create lasting memories and forge new friendships while immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of a world-class institution. Sports offerings at the event included wheelchair basketball, climbing, archery, and table tennis.





Bookings for this year's event are already full; however, plan on joining us next year and we will be very glad to have you! Stay tuned to ISA Sports to hear when bookings open for 2025.

The experienced inclusion team at the University of Nottingham understands that every athlete is unique. That's why they've curated a diverse range of fun, adapted sports activities in a non-competitive environment, specifically designed for year 6 and above students. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your sporting journey, this festival promises an inclusive and supportive space for you to shine. Inclusivity is at the heart of this event, and the university's facilities are fully accessible for wheelchair users. If you have any queries or concerns regarding accessibility arrangements before booking, the organisers are just a click away, ready to assist you and ensure a seamless experience.

Lucy Robinson, Team GB Member and British Wheelchair Basketball Player spent time at the festival to speak with the pupils participating and share her inspirational story of what can be possible - for anyone!

Vic Wright of Finborough School shares, 'We find these events to be very forward thinking. Organising inclusive events such as these provides opportunities to those students who may not, normally, be given the honour of representing their schools. There is always a danger that students with additional needs are sidelined and perhaps even discouraged from sports and in particular, team games. Our students show great enthusiasm for these events and as a staff, we are delighted to support them'.

'These events help to develop self-confidence in students which might often be lacking. They now have an opportunity to compete (perhaps on a more level ‘playing field’) and the chance to represent their school at local, regional and national levels. The experience of travelling some distance and spending a night away from home can be very challenging for our students. However, to date, we have been delighted to see them fully embrace and enjoy these excellent opportunities and the outstanding facilities provided'.



ISA is also proud to partner with Power2Inspire, a charity that strives to enable everyone, regardless of physical ability, to have the opportunity to participate in sports. We at ISA hope to grow the number of SEND schools within our sporting provision. Leighton Park School hosted the Power2Inspire festival on the 18th of June where pupils competed in Boccia, Goal Ball, Sitting Volleyball, and Walking Football. Competing schools rotated through each sport in the morning and the event culminated with semifinals and finals in the afternoon. One of our volunteers summarised the day by saying, ‘What a great opportunity to get everyone involved with sports. Some of these children never seem to get to represent the school, but this event gives them a chance to showcase what they are capable of'.