Coaching and mentoring can provide an effective way to manage and develop all members of staff within any organisation. It can be particularly effective for professional development, working with early career teachers, supporting colleagues who require improvement in practise, those with personal difficulties, and it can also provide a way to empower those who are conducting the coaching and mentoring. In this course we will look at:

  • What coaching and mentoring are and how they are different
  • When and where coaching and mentoring can be effective within a school
  • Consider popular models for coaching and mentoring
  • Have an opportunity to undertake some coaching and mentoring
  • Consider how this can be beneficial in your school

Please note but the focus of this course is the coaching and mentoring of adults rather than of students.

Course Aims

  • To know the difference between coaching and mentoring, what each is and where they should be used
  • To know when and where coaching and mentoring can be used in schools
  • To know about popular models of coaching


  • Be able to recognise the value of coaching and mentoring
  • Understand and have practised coaching session using a framework
  • Become familiar with some common coaching and mentoring tools
Dr Mark Whalley

Dr Mark Whalley

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